Context manager function to simplify initializing a pyrtma Client |
Get the correct header class depending on whether timecode is used |
get msg class for a given message type ID |
Decorator to add user message definitions. |
Decorator to add user message definitions. |
RTMA Client interface |
Message class |
MessageData base class |
RTMA Message Header class |
Raised when client does not receive ack from message manager. |
Base exception for all Client Errors. |
Raised when there is a connection error with the server. |
Raised when client tries to send to an invalid host. |
Raised when client tries to send to an invalid module. |
Raised when unable to connect to message manager. |
Raised when the client tries to read/write while not connected. |
pyrtma.client module |
pyrtma.compile Message Type Compiler |
pyrtma.constants module |
This message def file was auto-generated by pyrtma.compile version 2.3.5 |
pyrtma.manager module |
pyrtma.messaage: RTMA message classes |
Message definition YAML parser |
Run with python -m pyrtma.unified_console_log [OPTIONS] (use -h for help) |